Genealogical Society donates to replacement platform lift

Genealogy to libraryThe Greene County Genealogical Society, represented by Valerie Ogren (right), recently donated $106 to the Jefferson public library. The donation will go toward the replacement of the platform wheelchair lift.

The Genealogical Society maintains its reference room on the lower (basement) level of the library. The platform wheelchair lift, which was installed in 1991, provides access to the lower level, with the reference room and meeting room, and to the children’s department, located upstairs in the original Carnegie portion of the library.

According to library director Jane Millard (pictured left, accepting check), there were 106 meetings or programs in the basement with more than 500 persons in total attendance. Three hundred people used the genealogy reference room. The popular used book sale hosted by the Friends of the Library is in the basement, as are GED classes.

“In order for the public, including those who have physical limitations, to make full use of the facilities and be able to participate in the programs the library offers, they must be able to access all levels of the buildings. The lift, combined with other features such as ramps, public restroom and automatic doors meet the accessibility standards required for accreditation with the State Library of Iowa, ensuring high quality library services to Iowa’s communities,” Millard said.

A new lift will meet accessibility and safety standards that have changed since the lift was installed 23 years ago. Additionally, the current lift has become obsolete and parts for repair are no longer available.

Total cost of replacing the platform wheelchair lift is $30,000 to $35,000. The Greene County Community Foundation has provided $9,500 in funding. Other funding totaling $4,300  has come from the Jefferson Rotary Club, Morning Star Masonic Lodge, and the Friends of the Library. Millard said fundraising will continue throughout the summer. The city council has agreed to fund the match to the Community Foundation grant and any shortfall so the lift can be installed in the fall.

Persons who would like more information about the project can contact Millard at 515-386-2835 or email

The Genealogical Society donation comes from proceeds of the sale of The Heritage of Greene County, 2011.  A limited number of copies are still available. Email Ogren at for information.


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